Saturday, August 22, 2009

Benjamin: Memories of the good ol' days

Last week My family drove to Virginia, and dropped off my younger brother/best friend for the last 18+ years for his freshman year of college.

Now, I know I don't normally post a whole lot of personal stuff on here,
#1. I want to change that, and start posting stuff that will help you get to know me a little bit better,
#2. This may even be a little more personal than what will be the norm in the future, but, it's my blog, and I'm super proud of my I'm allowed to brag on him.
Even on my blog ;)

It was so weird for me, having my little brother take this giant step forward in adulthood. My happiness for him and my pride in what an honor it is that he is getting to go to this elite school helped with the sadness I felt as we drove away from the school, all of us anxious for Christmas to roll around so we can see him again.

'Ben' to most, he is always 'Benjamin' to me. I have seriously tried to call him Ben, like everyone else does now, but it always comes out something like "Ben . . . jamin." We have been best buds since the day he was born I think. Only 20 months apart, we quickly became partners in crime. I was the bossy one, and he was the brain. Which meant that he came up with all the good ideas generally, and then I bossed him on how we would put our plan in action. Because, I mean, we all know that is what big sisters are for....bossing. :) We played in mud puddles together, climbed trees together, organized rodeos and Olympic competitions in which we would perform for any and all family members that were willing to sit and watch, and we even ran away together (for reals!).

Benjamin is one of the funniest people I know. His dry humor can keep me laughing all day long. I'm going to miss this guy, but I am so excited and proud of all his accomplishments. Most of all, I'm just so glad that he is my brother, and my friend.

Weren't we adorable??? Sometimes you just have to wonder what happened.


The quality of the picture is horrible, but it is probably one of my favorites of us when we were little. Isn't he so adorable, with that big ol' grin plastered across his face?
Um...Yes, we are die-hard Texas Longhorn fans, and yes, I do believe Benjamin is wearing boxers in the place of shorts. You can get away with stuff like that when you are little, k?




People were always asking us if we were twins we looked so much alike and for so long were pretty much the same size. That is definitely not the case anymore in regards to size!

The day that our next sister, Rachel, was born.

This is my all-time FAVORITE. aagghhhh...we look so cute (and like complete nerds) in our matching uniforms, and like we really do like each other alot.
(p.s. I also have to point out hiked up shorts and my awesome "scrunched-down socks" It was all the rage back then with the little league baseball teams....didn't you know? Lets just say that my style has grown a little bit since then. At least I think it has :)

I wasn't able to scrounge up as many recent pictures of the two of us as I would have liked, but here is one from my graduation a couple of years ago.
Still love his grin....


And last but not least, our last night together this week, I told him we had to take a picture together and he had to "smile good." He decided to be a smart aleck and gave me this for the first picture.....

THEN I got the smile :)

I know that when Benjamin actually reads this, he will be horrified at my utter sappiness on the subject, and probably even more horrified at me for posting pictures of him in some of his more undignified days . . . but, O well. I think I can handle it.

I just wanted you all to know how awesome he is, and how much I already miss him.

Much love,


Hannah Nicole said...

Aw, that's so sweet. :)


Hannah Nicole said...

Loved the pictures, BTW! :D


Olivia F. said...

You guys were too adorable! You all had such blond hair! Very sweet post, Jessica. :)

Anonymous said...

Very sweet post and gorgeous photos! It's lovely to take a moment through the busyness of live and reflect upon the past with such fondness!